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  Solar Luminance recognizes and is priveleged to be a part of a group of people and companies that, whether conscously or inadvertantly, help to bring Light into dark rooms and areas of our lives, globally.
  As owner of Solar Luminance, I personally feel that there is a significance in being a part of this. Personally, I believe this holds myself and my company to a higher standard and responsibility. The way that I translate that, is by working with individual people, recognizing each persons qualities, abilities and journey, with respect and courtesy, and to design, build and manufacture a product that is beautiful, socially and environmentally, responsible and sustainable.
  Though personally, I am Christian, I feel that Light transends any individual denomination or religion. And the significance, whether spiritual or life nurturing, or not, is beyond my responsibility and is left to each person, individually, to embrace in their own time and journey.
  As owner of Solar Luminace, I am humbled to be able to work in a field that not only provides for my family, and the families of those that are members of the Solar Luminance team, but can bring joy, the natural, physical and mental health benefits and the Significace of the Suns Light into the lives of so many people, at home, work and play.
  It is my personal prayer that we remember to recongize this and that others can benefit from the incorporation of Solar Luminace Custom Daylight Light Fixtures, whether through our product, or the collaboration and manufacture of our products, and the intentionality behind it.
                                                          Joseph Haecker
                                                          Founder and CEO

the Significance of Light

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