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  The benefits of Natural Daylight are unparalled. Solar Luminance would love to see Daylight Devices in use in more places at work, home and play.
  To make this possible Daylight Systems should fit into our lives, seemlessly. Solar Luminance makes that possible. Now you can have the benefits of Natural Daylight and the Luxury and Exclusivity of a Custom Daylight work of Art.
Harness the suns Light...Design and Inspire!
For more information and Free Quote, Email us:

FAQ's Have a question?...

Why a Daylight System?

Humans need natural daylight for general health and wellness. We perform better. Interact socially, better. And natural daylight is simply more uplifting to the human spirit.


Throughout history, man has based his/her time and work schedule around the raise and fall of the sun. We have spent thousands of years accustomed to the time schedule set by daylight. We have created alternative forms of light in order to replicate daylight, so that we can continue to function in the dark. We have used fire, incandescent lamping, halogen, flourescent lamping, fiber optics, and more recently LED. All in an effort to replicate the suns natural light.


Natural Daylight makes food and textiles look clearer. The quality of light from natural daylight is simply unparalled.


Daylight systems have been around for about a quarter of a century. The advancements within the Daylight Systems have been amazing. Daylight Systems have literally made it possible to "pipe" in the suns natural light. Through science and product advancement, daylight systems have even reduced and/or eliminated harmful UV rays. Eccentially, improving daylight.


And if the benefits to health and wellness weren't enough, daylight is free.


There is no cost to run the primary lighting source of your custom designed Solar Luminance Fixture.


Solar Luminance makes it possible for you to truely enjoy all that natural daylight has to offer.


Enjoy the light of the sun. And know that you are doing your part to conserve our earths resources.

Does it work at night?

All Solar Luminace designs are 100% Custom. Our products are "Primarily" Day Lit. So, we can build a fixture to any lighting requirements that you would like or need.


Some of our fixtures, are designed to replicate consistent illumination day and/or night. Some of our fixtures are designed to dim and adjust to your lighting preference for day and or night use. Still others are primarily day lit, and have additional lamping to add creative and traditional lighting elements about the fixture.


All designs are custom. And all designs are basically without limit.


Our goal is to provide a means for you to incorporate daylight lighting systems into any application, be it work, home or play.


You can now harness the Daylight!

What types of locations can use a Solar Luminace Fixture?

We want people conserving energy anywhere and everywhere. So, we leave that up to you.


The only restrictions are, Daylight Systems typically require direct access from a roof top of some sort through to the ceiling where the fixture will mount. Though we have seen fixtures integrated into walls that recieve consistent daylight as well.


We are looking to creative people and design firms and architects, to let their creative minds flow...our motto is Design and Inspire!


Solar Luminance Custom Daylight Fixtures can be used in:


  • Hotels

  • Casinos

  • Porte Cocheres

  • Poolside Cabanas

  • Suites and Penthouses

  • Business Lobbies

  • Kitchen Islands

  • Grand Entry Fixtures

  • Restaurant Locations

  • Movie Theathers

  • Commercial Buld Spaces

  • Office Suites

  • Corrections & Prisons

  • Government Buildings

  • College and Universities

  • Sporting Venues

  • Hospitals & Medical Facilities

  • Church and Religious Inst.

  • Big Box and Retail Locations

  • Grocery Stores

  • etc.


The Sky is literally the limit for design and use applications.


Design and Inspire!

What Materials can you make a Solar Luminance Fixture out of?

Solar Luminance is 100% Custom, so if you can dream it, we will figure out a way to build it for you.


To make the process easier and to give you more resources to design with, Solar Luminance has teamed up with a growing list of companies that specialize in different lighting related products, to give you an unparalled palet of design options and tools to choose from.


Feel free to click on any of the links to the right to get inspired by the various design options that we can utilize to create your Custom Solar Luminance Daylight Fixture.


Have fun with your designs, knowing that what you create will inspire your guests, clients and customers to think and be Green!

Where can I find information on Daylight and Sky Light Products?

Each Daylight and Skylight Company is independant of Solar Luminance. Their product carry their own warranties and limitations. Each company has different benefits to their product and service offerings.


The way that Solar Luminance views each company and product, is simular to how you would select a light bulb. Each manufacturer has its own benefits and you may have a loyalty to a certain brand or product.


Solar Luminance will work with you and your Daylight or Skylight preference, in developing your Custom Daylight Fixture.


To the right are links to our affiliated Daylight and Skylight Manufacturers:

What types of Secondary Lighting can I choose from?

Solar Luminance can meet any of your Lighting needs and requirements. The fact that the fixtures are "Primarily" Day Lit does not impact your ability to have functional lighting and/or decorative lighting. We simply have two (or more) lighitng sources

  1. A Daylight Tubular or Skylight System

  2. LED, Induction, CFL, and/or Incandescent Day/Night Use Lamping

  3. We can run several Circuits to meet any of your lighting needs


Solar Luminance has teamed up with US Lighting Tech and is constently adding new rtnerships, in order to bring your Lamping and Design options to create and Design with.

Will this violate my Tubular Device Warranty?

Solar Luminance fixtures are 100% Custom, so depending on the application, yes and no....


Typically, a Solar Luminance Fixture is designed around the Daylight System. Since our fixtures are made from real materials such as steel, brass, copper, glass, crystal, fabric, wood, etc., our fixtures can be heavy in weight. So, typically, our fixtures are mounted and suspended from structural mounting points, coordinated by your general contractor and/or architect. Since Solar Luminance Fixtures are suspended independantly, we do our best to design a system "around" the Daylight product.


But, lets take for instance your custom design requires little sparkles of light to emit from the "tube" or "skylight", to create a "starry night sky" effect...we may create inlets for fiber optics that actually penetrate the daylight product. In which case, yes, this would violate your daylight products warranty.


Though it will violate the warranty, in most cases it will not cause the product to deteriorate at any more rapid of a pace than is typically common. Most Daylight systems are warrantied for 30 or more years, but last much longer than that.

Will this reduce the amount of light?

Daylight Product Manufacturers may argue that this would diminish the quality and amount of light. And again, Solar Luminance is 100% Custom. So, again, our answer is "yes" and "no".


Daylight product manufacturers spend a great deal of time and money perfecting their product in an effort to create a consistent pass through of light, through their tunneling or capturing systems. So, its understandable that they would see putting anything "non-scientific" in the path of the light they have worked so hard to capture.


But like a mirage that is just out of reach, a great idea without a practical means to enjoy it, is almost useless.


Solar Luminance utilizes the science and effectiveness of daylight product, coupled with specific materials and material treatments, in order to maintain, sustain, and inhance the effectiveness of the natural lighting.


Each fixture is designed to meet the overall look and design created by you, coupled with material and material treatments that create the scientifically necessary requirements to emit the specified lighting needs for your build.

How much does a Custom Fixture cost?

Solar Luminance is a high-end product. We do not sacrifice on the details when manufacturing your custom design. As such, our prices are based on your lighting requirements and design needs.


Our fixtures are made from real materials and finishes. Our glass is handblown. Each fixture is designed and forged as a one time design. We can create multiples of a fixture or fixtures to meet your interior design needs, but each design is crafted individually to meet your specific needs.


That does not include exclusivity of design. If you are interested in a Signature Designed product, feel free to inquire with your sales contact at Solar Luminance.

How long will it take?

Production of your Solar Luminace Custom Daylight Fixture begins upon receipt of the specified deposit and approval of all finish samples.


Because manufacturing and engineering can vary greatly depending on material and finish selection, production of your custom fixtures will not begin until both the deposit and approval of finish samples has been finalized.


Typical, time of delivery from start date is 8-12 weeks.


During the production process, you will be given visual progress reports of the fabrication of your fixtures, so that you can share and coordinate with your design team, clients, and guests to delivery and unveiling of your Custom Solar Luminance Daylight Fixture.

Will I have to hire a General Contractor?

Yes. Solar Luminance is not responsible for the installation of the completed fixture.


In most cases you will need to enlist the assistance of a licensed general contractor, electrician, and/or interior designer and architectural firm.


Solar Luminance will assist you in sourcing a licensed Pro, in your area, if required. Solar Luminance is not responsible for the services or any damage done based on our sourcing referal.


Solar Luminace will assist in the coordination of the delivery of the fixture, installation dates and time, with the Licensed Pro, and the Daylight Systems Installer for the final Installation of the fixture.


In most cases, the Daylight System will be purchased from a local supplier and the supplier will be responsible for the installation of the Daylight System.

Is Solar Luminance approved by the major Daylight Manufacturers?

We are currently establishing affiliate relationships with the all major Daylight Systems manufacturers, to accurately integrate systems to fit your needs and your regional locations.


We are now officially affiliated with Velux, Sundolier, Ciralight and Elite Solar Systems and are able to work directly with these companies to delevop Custom Daylight Light Fixtures that are Engineered to integrate Daylight Tubular with your Custom Daylight Light Fixture.


Since our Solar Luminance Products are typically designed around the Daylight System, and if the design specification requires that we alter the Daylight System, therefore voiding the warranty, Solar Luminance does not require the approval and/or endorsement of any of the Daylight System manufacturers.


We do hope to partner with several and all Daylight Manufacturers, so that we can bring awareness to the Daylight Industry. Our goal is to work with Distributors and Installers worldwide to grow their businesses and introduce more Daylight Product into more homes, workplaces, and lives.

How do I become a Preferred Affiliate Daylight or Skylight Vendor?

Daylight Tubular and Skylight Retailers, Solar Luminance is a great opportunity for you to re-engage your client base.


This is probably one of the biggest areas for growth with you and for us.


One of the biggest set backs for prospective tube and skylight buyers is the lack of transition transition into decor and style of their Design Space.


With a Custom Solar Luminance Daylight Fixture, is isn't a restriction anymore.


Please feel free to contact us directly so that we can begin sourcing and referring product purchases and installation scheduling through your regional location.


You can view our Distributors page for more information. Or Click the Link to the right and joins our Preferred Affiliate Membership

Fire Rating for Hospitals and Medical Facilities

The use of Natural Daylight is clearly a benefit to patients and guests at hospitals and medical facilities.


Traditionally the problem with the installation of Tubular Product at these locations has been over safely meeting fire regulations and code.


The problem being that by it's very nature, daylight tube product creates a direct access for fire to travel to the roof. Because tube product utilizes plastics at the ceiling, the barier to the roof is minimal and breaks down rapidly.


Solar Luminance is able to utilize materials and insulation that encloses the tube, at the ceiling and can sleeve the tube product through the crawl space and drop ceiling. By doing so, Solar Luminance can meet and exceed fire code and regulations.


Allowing hospitals and medical facilities the ability to safely provide all of the benefits of Natural Daylight to your guests, patients, and clients.


Shine a little daylight and add beauty to your patients stay or visit.

Jail, Prisons and Corrections Facilities

"Custom Fixture" does not always mean "elaborate".


Solar Luminance offers fixtures to meet any design needs. Function is a vital part of our core concept. With Solar Luminance, our goal is to make it possible to transition Daylight Products into more uses and applications.


Solar Luminance has recently partnered with a manufacturer of induction and solid state lighting. Allowing us to produce Daylight fixtures that meet and/or exceed commercial build requirements.


We can custom make Daylight Fixtures with tamper proof Housings that meet and/or exceed fire safety code and regulations, for use in prisons, jails and corrections facilities.


Solar Luminance is not only high-end, we are also functional. By using a custom fixture by Solar Luminance, we can help you to transition daylight systems into more uses, safely.


How do you handle Social Responsibility‎?

At Solar Luminance, the Core of our business philosophy, is the ability to make an impact in the world. We work together with people and cultures globally, to provide sustainable solutions that make an beneficial impact on the world for generations to come.


So, at Solar Luminance, instead of choosing to donate and support charities or groups that we've decide on...We want to Support You and the Causes that Care and are Passionate about.


So, when you purchase a Solar Luminance Daylight Light Fixture, Solar Luminance will ask you to choose a Charity or Group that You have a passion for...Maybe you have a charitable organization, a religious group, a Youth Sport, or Philanthropy Group that touches your heart.


Solar Luminance will take 10% of your Purchase Order and make a Donation to a Cause or Group of Your Choosing. 


Some restrictions to apply. And Payment will be decided by Solar Luminance.


We Share this great World, and we want you to know that We are Making a Change Together.

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For more information and how to become a Preferred Affiliate Member,
Click Here:

 the Process...

1. Find a Lighting Design that you Love.


2. Email us the Design you would like to see as a Daylight Fixture. Be sure to inlude:

  1. Lighting Requirements

  2. Basic Dimmensions (Height, Width, Length, Depth, Diammeter, etc)

  3. Quantity

  4. If you have selected a Daylight or Skylight System

  5. Contact information for you and or your Interior or Lighting Designer

3. Review & Approve the Solar Luminance Renderings and Approval Drawings.

4. Issue the deposit. And in 8 to 12 weeks we will help you schedule the installation of your new Daylight Fixture, between your General Contractor and the local/regional Tubular or Skylight Installer.

With every Solar Luminance Purchase, Solar Luminance will Donate 10% to a Charity or Group in the Name of the Purchasing Agent.


Some Restrictions do apply. Please see Web Page for more details

Giving Back

Custom Daylight Light Fixture Solutions
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