Speakers & Experts
The 3rd Friday of each month
Ever wondered what it takes to build a vibrant community that thrives on innovation and collaboration? Curious about how you can dive into the exciting world of startups and tech right here in Denver? Well, let me introduce you to Tech Alley Denver - your new hub for all things entrepreneurial and innovative! Picture this: a place where communities come alive, where creativity is nurtured, and where everyone is welcome to be a part of something bigger. That's exactly what Tech Alley Denver is all about. We're not just any nonprofit - we're a 501.3C organization on a mission to strengthen our local communities by bringing people together, fostering creativity, and creating an inclusive, diverse, and innovative culture right here in our beautiful city. How do we do it, you ask? Every month, on the 3rd Friday, from 9 am to 3 pm, we roll out the welcome mat for you. Imagine a full day of engaging events, insightful speaker sessions, and a vibrant network of local business enthusiasts all in one place - and yes, it's all for free! It's like a monthly entrepreneurial extravaganza that you wouldn't want to miss. Ever felt overwhelmed by all the business knowledge out there? Tech Alley Denver has your back. We've carefully curated multiple speaker sessions every hour, covering a wide array of topics. The best part? You get to choose what piques your interest, so you're always in control of your learning journey. And don't worry about being overdressed or feeling out of place. Tech Alley Denver is a laid-back, welcoming space. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, you're sure to feel right at home. We believe in creating an environment where you can comfortably learn, network, and dive into Denver's bustling business and startup scene. Ever wondered how you could connect with local businesses offering amazing services and products? Tech Alley Denver is your gateway to discovering business education through these local gems. We're all about building bridges and fostering relationships that benefit our community and economy. So, mark your calendar for the 3rd Friday of the month and come join us at Tech Alley Denver. Let's embrace entrepreneurship, network with fellow enthusiasts, and pave the way for a more vibrant, innovative Denver together. See you there, future trailblazer! 🚀
If you are looking to connect with the local business and startup scene, start here.
papanggih • diajar • babagi
gang téknologi
Tech Alley ngadukung komunitas téknologi sareng ngamimitian ku nyayogikeun platform anu ngoordinasikeun téknologi lokal, pangusaha, patepang bisnis kana acara sapopoe bulanan pikeun komunitas ngabagi pangaweruh, jaringan, sareng ilubiung dina ékosistem téknologi sareng ngamimitian. Acara Tech Alley sok gratis, inklusif, interaktif, konsisten, sareng mangrupikeun tempat pikeun saha waé anu resep kana téknologi sareng wirausaha.
misi urang
Kami di dieu pikeun nguatkeun komunitas ku cara ngahijikeun jalma, ngabina kelas kreatif, sareng nyiptakeun téknologi sareng budaya ngamimitian anu inklusif, beragam, sareng inovatif.

lokasi urang
Tech Alley diayakeun unggal bulan di Kacamatan Seni Santa Fe. Seni sareng téknologi saling mangpaat salaku integrasi desain, inspirasi sareng kreativitas.
Acara dilaksanakeun di tempat sareng usaha sapanjang Distrik Seni Santa Fe. Mangga rujuk jadwal acara ayeuna keur lokasi acara husus.
Mangga buka éta Santa Fe Arts District sapanjang taun, pikeun neuleuman usaha lokal hébat sarta ngarojong seni lokal.

venues and locations

The Escapist
921 W 9th Ave, Denver, CO 80204

Room for Friends...a wine bar!
846 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204

Tonantzin Casa de Café
910 Santa Fe Dr UNIT 6, Denver, CO 80204
lokasi urang
Tech Alley diayakeun unggal bulan di Kacamatan Seni Santa Fe. Seni sareng téknologi saling mangpaat salaku integrasi desain, inspirasi sareng kreativitas.
Acara dilaksanakeun di tempat sareng usaha sapanjang Distrik Seni Santa Fe. Mangga rujuk jadwal acara ayeuna keur lokasi acara husus.
Mangga buka éta Santa Fe Arts District sapanjang taun, pikeun neuleuman usaha lokal hébat sarta ngarojong seni lokal.

trending tech news
leuwih loba cara pikeun aub
Tech Alley mangrupikeun kolaborator sareng mitra komunitas. Kami ngabagéakeun rupa-rupa kolaborasi sareng kasempetan.
Pariksa ieu cara séjén pikeun aub:
Vendor Alley - Pop-up vendor booths
Startup Pitch - Startup and Founder pitches
Hack-a-thon - kompetisi Hack dumasar topik
UI / UX Hack-a-Thon - Kompetisi ngadesain ulang halaman wéb
Duta Budaya - Nyieun acara pitch di puseur minoritas
Sukarelawan - relawan Tech Alley Acara
Lacak Duta - Ketok jaringan anjeun sareng kasempetan nyarios
Media Alley - Podcasters, Vlogger, Pencét sareng zona wawancara Media