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Startup Stories.
Every startup has a story. We want to share yours.

Girl Gone Global Communications
Alyssa Pinsker
Woman-owned businesses face more of a pressure to donate our time and services, and I had to face the barter mindset of my fellow "starving artist" writers and stop generational curses by charging what we are worth while trying to create accessible entry level platforms for struggling writers and businesses.

Life Coach Baker LLC
Nicole Baker
Well, let’s just say there have been many “wall” moments but I think the biggest one was right after the first year of business. I was working 2 side jobs (waitressing until 2am then going to work at a tech company by day), and I was beyond burned out. The frustrating thing was I wasn’t getting any traction in my business, no clients, nada. I finally broke down one night and sobbed to my fiancé saying how I was going to quit, it was never going to work out for me, I’m not meant to be an entrepreneur - all those horrible things we say to ourselves when we’re in the middle of a pit. I was convinced I was no longer going to do it, I was going to close up shop and continue being a waitress for the rest of my life. The very next day a coach I looked up to and trusted put out an email saying she was taking new clients. I signed on the spot with her (this is the coach who restructured my business and helped me go full time 6 months later). There were two major lessons I learned from this. One - Ask for help, that high and mighty ego almost cost me my dream, I didn’t have the answers so I found someone who could teach me. Two - I was working on all the things that DIDN’T F-ING MATTER! I redirected my time to the big scary tasks that would actually move the needle forward for me - and it worked like clockwork.

Keith Hulen
Our challenges always come back to two major hurdles, time and money. With enough money we can extend our time. That money comes in two ways, revenue and investment capital. Readers can always help us with introductions to companies looking to improve their hiring process and investors looking to invest in game-changing technology.

StructureBot PBC
James Scott
We are based in way south Denver, AKA, Colorado Springs!
We are starting a fund raise in January of 2023 and would like to meet Angels and others. We are qualified by OEDIT to provide a 25% ITC for Colorado investors.
We are seeking manufacturing space locally.
We are looking to add to the team.
We would like to meet developers/builders who are the earliest adopters of new technology.

Aloha Inc
Srdjan Pavelic
A few major hurdles our business faces are hiring the right people for what the business needs today. Additionally, COVID-19 put a pause for our development efforts.
Since then, we have had to pivot with our MVP. Now, we have a new MVP ready to go, but still need additional funds to bring it to market. Our biggest "wall" is getting a solid deal flow with investors. Our company falls into the CleanTech space, so I believe that 2023 will be a strong year for us.
If readers know of amazing Electrical or Mechanical Engineers, I'd love to meet them. As well as any passionate investors in the consumer electronics, audio or cleantech space.
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