Girl Gone Global Communications
February 8, 2023 at 11:24:36 PM
Alyssa Pinsker
Girl Gone Global Communications
Learn more at:
Thanks for taking the time to sit with us to share your Startup Story with our readers. Can you start out by sharing a little bit about yourself and your company?
I am a travel writer and publicist as well as the founder of Girl Gone Global Communications. I can get anyone published and I want to simplify the PR process for businesses and brands by teaching you to do it yourself or you can hire us for the full-service experience.
Every business has some sort of catalyst for getting started, or some inspiration. What was your "ah ha" moment?
I had so many stories to share after living in Japan and France, and working as a teacher in New York City, I luckily met my mentor and she taught me everything I know about publishing my work. Then I worked at top-magazines as a writer, editor, and on-air commentator.
I discovered the power of the press when I started writing service pieces and my sources told me that their business doubled, and there was now a line around the block.
So, I created Girl Gone Global Communication with the tagline “Share Your Story with the World” to help people share their own stories and that of their businesses via P.R.
With a million business ideas out there, what makes your business unique?
I love being a publicist because I am obsessed with the positive power of words and the power of the pen and I feel like I have been doing this since 2007 and can literally get anyone published. I still infuse inspiration and teaching because PR coaching is close to life coaching. As a self-development junkie and mentor, I love to share my secrets so you can learn to do it yourself. We also offer guaranteed PR which is typically an oxymoron in the industry but we have over a dozen relationships where we are able to actually guarantee a story.
Launching a business is hard. Do you have a team, or a people that have helped you get to this point? And, can you share a little bit about that?
Never, ever, give up was reinforced to me when I met the Dalai Lama while studying yoga in India and I owe all of my knowledge to my mentor in NYC who taught me how to publish as an essayist, but it took me years to learn how to become a travel writer.

People love an inside scoop. What is something most people might not know about you or your company?
I was a schoolteacher for over a decade, and a professional model and on–stage comic/storyteller, as well as travel writer before becoming a publicist and influencer.
Every business hits that wall, or hurdle. What is a major hurdle your business is facing? And how can our readers help, or get involved?
Woman-owned businesses face more of a pressure to donate our time and services, and I had to face the barter mindset of my fellow "starving artist" writers and stop generational curses by charging what we are worth while trying to create accessible entry level platforms for struggling writers and businesses.
Starting and running a business is a major learning experience. Up until this point, what is the biggest lesson you have learned, personally, about running your business and the field you are in?
Community creates and reputation is everything.
For our readers first learning about your business, could you share three key take away's that you believe our readers should know about you, your business or your product/solution?
1. We are one of the only PR Agencies that offer guaranteed press.
2. We are one of the only PR Agencies that will teach you how to do your own PR.
3. We also train you how to become a travel writer or published writer/author!

For that person learning about your business, why would they sign up for, or use your company or solution?
Our top-tier track record of clients in the New York Times, LA Times, Lonely Planet, Huffington Post, BBC and more. Top-tier PR for top-tier businesses.
Are you currently seeking funding, co-founders or building out your team? If so, how can our readers help out?
We are seeking investors for an accessible media tech platform that will further allow anyone to get their own PR, and help struggling writers connect with top-tier editors to salary themselves.
Well, it has been wonderful sitting with you today to learn more about you and your company. How can people find out more about what you guys are up to?
Please follow us at instagram.com/girlgoneglobal, facebook.com/alyssa.pinsker, twitter.com/girl_goneglobal or alyssapinsker.com
Thank you for taking the time today to sit with us and share your Startup Story.
Thank you, for providing this service!
Startup Stories.

Every startup has a story.
The start up ecosystem is in a constant state of re-invention. Startups are born from inspiration unique to the many founders and circumstances that led to their "ah ha" moment. Too often, these stories are buried in an about section, forgotten, or never shared, due to the natural churn of the startup ecosystem.
Tech Alley's to "strengthen communities by bringing people together, fostering a creative class, and creating an inclusive, diverse, and innovative technology and startup culture."
One of the best ways to accomplish this, is to simply tell the stories of the founders that make up this community.
Tech Alley "Startup Stories" would like to share the story of as many startups as possible.
Because every startup has a story.
And we want to share yours.
Joseph Haecker
Denver Chapter Organizer