Thanks for taking the time to sit with us to share your Startup Story with our readers. Can you start out by sharing a little bit about yourself and your company?
A native southerner, I fell in love with Colorado back in 2007. I was finally able to move my family here in 2019 and we've never looked back. I love to play: board games, card games, skiing, hiking, cycling, yoga, rollerblading, and more. I have taken my love of play and turned it into a living. BoredLess helps companies attract top quality talent and keep teams happy through applying the neuroscience of play to company culture and routine.
Every business has some sort of catalyst for getting started, or some inspiration. What was your "ah ha" moment?
For decades, as a pediatric speech-language pathologist, I studied how play can benefit individuals. During the pandemic, I realized the research supporting play for learning for children might apply to adults too. And it does! Adults deserve to play just as much as children, especially at work. There are lots of organizations working to bring play to children, but only a few focusing on adults, so here I am!
With a million business ideas out there, what makes your business unique?
I use traditional play to bring creativity, collaboration, communication, trust, vulnerability, productivity, and efficiency to teams. All my services are customized. One-off, scripted activities have their place, but for real organizational transformation, teams need to understand the benefits of play and playfulness across their work.
Launching a business is hard. Do you have a team, or a people that have helped you get to this point? And, can you share a little bit about that?
I'm a solopreneur, but I have definitely found a team in Denver. I can thank the Denver startup community (specifically Co. Starters, Denver's Founders Boost, 1 Million Cups, and Tarra) for the unending support as I travel this journey.

People love an inside scoop. What is something most people might not know about you or your company?
I never wanted to be an entrepreneur. I never considered myself creative. I had always enjoyed being a (good!) employee. I liked being part of a team and working towards a larger goal. In the past few years, I found and embraced my creativity and innovation which then launched me into the entrepreneurial world. I have really enjoyed figuring out how to continue to encompass those employee/team qualities as a solopreneur.
Every business hits that wall, or hurdle. What is a major hurdle your business is facing? And how can our readers help, or get involved?
You know, I haven't hit one yet! I've only been at this full-time since September 2022. I know I have built a supportive community that I'll lean on when I do hit that inevitable wall.
Starting and running a business is a major learning experience. Up until this point, what is the biggest lesson you have learned, personally, about running your business and the field you are in?
Meeting new people and being open to learning about other is key. I have found so much personal and professional benefit from just meeting as many people as I can. I have also enjoyed connecting those people with others as well. Building connections in the community is such a joy and benefit! Getting involved in Denver startup community programs and events are a great way to start.
For our readers first learning about your business, could you share three key take away's that you believe our readers should know about you, your business or your product/solution?
I'm strongly passionate about my work and it shows in my presentations, facilitations, and activations. I can work at any level of service for an organization: just a quick meeting facilitation, or a deep dive into organizational culture. The future of work is changing and the future of work is playing!

For that person learning about your business, why would they sign up for, or use your company or solution?
My energy and joy are contagious. Much of my competition uses one-off activities, scripted activities, or improv to inject play into a corporate setting. These can be beneficial, but BoredLess works to educate teams and leaders on WHY play and playfulness are crucial to success in today's world. This is how I effect true organizational transformation.
Are you currently seeking funding, co-founders or building out your team? If so, how can our readers help out?
Not at this time
Well, it has been wonderful sitting with you today to learn more about you and your company. How can people find out more about what you guys are up to?
I'm fairly active on LinkedIn and Instagram (@BeBoredLess I'm also speaking at the upcoming sparkU event on January 19th in DTC. You can find me working at the Commons on Champa or Tarra, let's co-work together!
Thank you for taking the time today to sit with us and share your Startup Story.
Thank you!
Startup Stories.

Every startup has a story.
The start up ecosystem is in a constant state of re-invention. Startups are born from inspiration unique to the many founders and circumstances that led to their "ah ha" moment. Too often, these stories are buried in an about section, forgotten, or never shared, due to the natural churn of the startup ecosystem.
Tech Alley's to "strengthen communities by bringing people together, fostering a creative class, and creating an inclusive, diverse, and innovative technology and startup culture."
One of the best ways to accomplish this, is to simply tell the stories of the founders that make up this community.
Tech Alley "Startup Stories" would like to share the story of as many startups as possible.
Because every startup has a story.
And we want to share yours.
Joseph Haecker
Denver Chapter Organizer